As a business owner, you know that when you accept credit card payments, you pay interchange fees on every transaction. These fees are known as “Interchange Cost.” We show business owners how to get rid of these fees with a Cash Discount program.
The most cost-effective pricing model in the industry is Interchange Cost or Direct Cost pricing. This includes the interchange rate for each card brand, fixed acquirer fees and our cost+ margin. Get custom-tailored pricing and save on every transaction.
Accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Apple Pay, Google Pay and ACH payments securely in-store, online or from a mobile device. We offer the most modern Point of Sales system available in the entire industry. We find the right system that best fits your business.
Accept ACH bank transfers and all major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express
Accept all major credit cards. Don’t miss out on any payments.
Don’t wait for your deposits. Our rapid deposits help improve your cash flow.
We operate with a mission to provide the most secure and reliable payment solutions for you and your customers.
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